Performative Perspectives on Short Story Collections

A theoretical discussion of the short story collection with a focus on performativity and performance

The first part of this paper offers a brief theoretical discussion of the short story collection and raises some concerns about the relevance of its historical roots. In a second part, the concepts of performance and performativity are introduced in order to investigate how these concepts can play a relevant role in the theoretical description of the peculiar functioning of the short story collection as a literary form.


Mara Santi, “Performative Perspectives on Short Story Collections”, in: Interférences littéraires/Literaire interferenties, February 2014, 12, “Cycles, Recueils, Macrotexts: The Short Story Collection in Theory and Practice”, Elke D’hoker & Bart VanDenBoSSche(eds.), pp. 145-154.



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