Excerpt from the introduction: In 1988, Sarah A Zagarell published her article, “Narrative of Community: The Identification of a Genre”, to articulate the conventions of stories about communities. In response to the over-reliance of individualism...
Inheritance is a linked short story collection of eight fictional narratives of lives impacted by interpersonal violence and abuse, along with the myriad of complexities we navigate through the course of our daily lives. Fictional...
What happens when the romantic and imperialistic stories of Canada’s north become clearly outmoded and unsustainable? In North of Vinland, my collection of linked short stories and essays, I explore the transition from an older...
A comparative analysis of Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried and Pam Houston’s Waltzing the Cat. From: Vermillion, M. K. (2003). Reader participation in the composite novel: Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried and Pam...
This thesis comprises chapters of a novel in progress titled Partial Reps. Its focus is a group of friends at a gym, particularly the friendship of an elderly man and the narrator. The work takes...
Watermark, a short story cycle, as defined by Forest Ingram, Susan Garland Mann, and James Nagel, consists of twenty-five individually complete and interrelated stories and vignettes. Along with common characters and settings, the individual stories...
The short story cycle is an overlooked genre, often dismissed by critics as a short story collection. This lack of attention paid to the interconnectedness between the short stories within a work diminishes the work...
This thesis consists of the creative work Stay, a collection of interlinked short stories. Although wholly self-contained, each story in Stay makes a vital contribution to the collection as a whole. Characters are revisited. Tiny...
This thesis is a study of the poetics and politics of place in the short stories of James Joyce, Sherwood Anderson and William Faulkner. In an introduction, three chapters, each examining the short fiction of...
Near the Lewis & Clark Trail is a creative writing thesis that contains two distinct parts. Part one is a short story cycle: a collection of interlinked narratives that together, tell a larger, cohesive story....
The main objective of this thesis is to explain the liminal position of Lahiri’s fiction in the context of the American short story. Lahiri’s short fiction is positioned in this thesis as occupying the interstice...