Strange Genre-related Loops in a Novel-Short Story: The Tension between the Genres and their Cultural Context

Orna Levin discusses in her “Strange Genre-related Loops in a Novel-Short Story: The Tension between the Genres and their Cultural Context” the strange genre-related loops in Maya Arad’s novel (2009), through the tension between the two genres represented in the text and their cultural contexts. The text hints to the reader that the central conflict on the plot is genre-related, and thus the entire work is a manifestation of self-conscious literature. The focus of the discussion is on the concept of strange loops coined by Hofstadter (1979, 2007). The strange genre-related loops in the narrative are represented in three different spheres: the textual construct, the array of characters, and the perception of creative writing. Reviewing the strange genre-related loops in this work highlights the unique nature of this text, which attempts to establish itself as a short story – novel, while demonstrating an awareness of its artistic and cultural contexts.

from: Levin, Orna. “Strange Genre-related Loops in a Novel-Short Story: The Tension between the Genres and their Cultural
Context.” CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 23.3 (2021): Link:

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