This thesis comprises chapters of a novel in progress titled Partial Reps. Its focus is a group of friends at a gym, particularly the friendship of an elderly man and the narrator. The work takes...
“Between us” is a short story cycle that alternative between the perspectives of two sisters, Skylar and Harmony, and their love interest–Michael. This thesis explores the various ways in which people differently respond to grief...
Elizabeth Strout’s Olive Kitteridge consists of thirteen interrelated chapters, each one involving to some degree the novel’s eponymous character. Readers are presented to Olive both mediated through other characters’ viewpoints, and with more seemingly direct access into...
Rachel Joyce’s short story collection A Snow Garden and Other Stories (2015) is composed of seven stories which occur during a fortnight of the holiday, Christmas season. The collection uses narrative techniques which make it...
In recent years, the study of The Joy Luck Club cannot get rid of the words “cultural conflict between the East and the West”, “post-colonial feminism”, “Chinese identity”, “mother-daughter relationship”. And Tan’s The Joy Luck...
The main objective of this thesis is to explain the liminal position of Lahiri’s fiction in the context of the American short story. Lahiri’s short fiction is positioned in this thesis as occupying the interstice...